KnowledgeBase / FAQ

No Permenant office Yet, we are a team of Developers that works remotely, but we Based in the eastern part of Nigeria.

Our clients will book us for a work, we will contact him/her to know more in details about the work through the email supplied.

Yes, we have a basic discount for school projects works only for students from futo,Nekede and Imsu.

navigate to our project materials page, click on the topic material you desire, glance on it, then make a payment for it, we will surly get back to you on or before 12 hours after you paid.

Yes, tell us your desire project topic, we will surly work on it from scratch.

Once we confirmed your payments, the complete project materials will be sent to you through email or whatsapp.

Yes, you are expected to create user account, login to the account before you will be able to use our shopping cart system.

Once you order for your project software, we will send it to you, deploy and install it for you, also coach you on using it.

Yes, you are allowed to make advance payments for your project materials or software but limited to 2 times only

we realise a coupon code when we are on Open Promo, there will be a discount for clients that booked work with a coupon code.

After you succesfully transfer / deposit the valid fee for your work requested, you will send us a mail with the attachement of the bank transaction to confirm your payments.

we have team of professionals, but in terms of big projects, we have other tech companies we can refer to.

Duration of the project depends on the kind of the project, but ranges from 1-2 weeks after payment is confirmed.

Yes, clients can pay only for a project material, or can still pay for the software only.

We have web base peojects, desktop standalone apps and mobile apps projects.

No, we will give you the project materials in Document format (.doc), ready for print out.

Our materials and softwares are less expensive, they specially author and Design by Professionals

No, we save you the money of typing your project by giving you it on word (.doc) format, all you need is to do direct printing for final submission.


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